MT5 Gateway or a Liquidity Bridge


Forex brokerage setup can be a complicated process with multiple choices that can impact the success of the business. One of the vital decisions is selecting the right technology solution to connect the broker’s trading platform to the liquidity providers’ network. 

           Two popular solutions for this purpose are MT5 Gateway & Liquidity Bridge. In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between the two and the factors that brokers should consider when choosing between them.

MT5  Gateway

              The prominent MetaTrader 4 & 5 trading platforms were created by Meta Quotes, who also created the MT5 Gateway technology solution. A server-side plugin called MT5 Gateway links the broker’s MT5 trading interface to the network of liquidity providers. By transferring trade requests and price quotations back and forth between the trading platform and the liquidity providers, the plugin serves as a bridge.

Key Benefits of MT5 Gateway

  • The MT5 Gateway’s interaction with the MT5 trading platform is one of its key benefits. Without further development or customization, brokers who already use MT5 as their trading platform can quickly incorporate MT5 Gateway. 
  • Additionally, a variety of order types, such as limit orders, stop orders, and market orders are supported by the plugin, enabling brokers to provide their customers with a flexible trading environment.
  • Additional risk management options provided by MT5 Gateway include negative balance protection, adjustable margin call and stop-out thresholds, and negative balance protection. 
  • Additionally, the plugin allows multi-currency accounts, enabling brokers to give their customers the choice of holding money in other currencies.
  • But MT5 Gateway’s restricted connectivity with other trading platforms is one of its key drawbacks. 
  • Brokers who employ a different trading platform than MT5 will have to create a unique interface with MT5 Gateway, which can be a time-consuming and expensive procedure. 
  • Limited support is now available for non-Forex products including stocks and commodities through the MT5 Gateway.

Liquidity Bridge

           A liquidity bridge is a technological solution that uses a unique API to link the broker’s trading platform to the network of liquidity providers. 

          A liquidity bridge can be integrated with any trading platform that allows API integration, unlike MT5 Gateway, which is platform-specific. The bridge can also handle a variety of instruments, including Forex, equities, and commodities, and a large range of order types.

Key Benefits of Liquidity Bridge

  • A liquidity bridge’s flexibility is one of its key benefits. Brokers who don’t utilize MT5 can easily integrate the bridge through API integration without having to pay for special development. 
  • Furthermore, compared to MT5 Gateway, a liquidity bridge provides greater customization options, enabling brokers to adjust the bridge to their own requirements. Support for non-Forex instruments is another benefit of a liquidity bridge. 
  • Many liquidity providers give access to additional asset classes, including equities and commodities, which can be added to the broker’s trading platform using the bridge. 
  • Brokers are now able to provide a wider variety of instruments to their clients, expanding their opportunity to generate income.
  • However, the higher cost and complexity of implementation are two of the key drawbacks of a liquidity bridge. A development team will need to collaborate with brokers who utilize liquidity bridges to customize the bridge and connect it with their trading platform.
  • The cost may also increase due to potential continuing maintenance and improvements needed for the bridge.

Considerations while choose between the MT5 Gateway and the Liquidity Bridge

Brokers should take into account a number of variables when selecting between MT5 Gateway and Liquidity Bridge, including:

  • Trading platform: Integrating MT5 Gateway may be simpler for brokers who currently use MT5 as their trading platform. Brokers who utilize a separate trading platform, however, must think about a liquidity bridge.
  • Customization: A liquidity bridge may be a preferable solution for brokers who demand a high level of customization because it provides more flexibility in terms of customizing possibilities.
  • Asset classes: Liquidity bridges may be a preferable choice for brokers who wish to give their clients access to a variety of asset classes, including non-Forex instruments like equities and commodities.
  • Cost: Brokers must take into account both the one-time and continuing costs related to any solution. For brokers who already use MT5, MT5 Gateway might be a more affordable solution, although a liquidity bridge might need a bigger initial investment but offer more long-term flexibility and earning potential.
  • Support and upkeep: Brokers should take into account the degree of upkeep and support needed for any solution. A liquidity bridge might need continuing development and maintenance, whereas MT5 Gateway is typically simpler to set up and operate.


           The broker’s needs and priorities must be carefully taken into account while deciding between MT5 Gateway & Liquidity Bridge. MT5 Gateway in Forex brokerage setup may be a simpler and more affordable choice for brokers who already use MT5 as their trading platform and who primarily offer Forex trading. 

             A liquidity bridge, however, might be a better choice for brokers who need more customization choices and want to offer a wider variety of asset classes. Brokers should, in the end, carefully assess their requirements and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each solution before choosing.

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